Actor's Legal First Name
Actor's Preferred First Name
Actor's Last Name
Actor's Preferred Pronouns
Actor's Date of Birth
Actor's Grade (if in grades 4th-12th as of the 2024-25 school year)
Actor's Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Actor's Preferred Phone Number
If actor is a youth age 15 or under, please use a parent or guardian phone number.
Emergency Contact and Relationship
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Email Address
Adults auditioning, and students who are in 8th grade or above (as of 2024-25 school year), please select one of the audition dates/times below.
Please select only ONE of the times/dates below. You should not attend both days of auditions.
Tuesday, March 18th, 7:00-10:00pm
Wednesday, March 19th, 7:00-10:00pm
Youth 4th-7th grade (as of the 2024-25 school year), please select one of the audition dates/times below.
Please select only ONE of the times/dates below. You should not attend both days of auditions.
Tuesday, March 18, 6:00-7:30
Wednesday, March 19th, 6:00-7:30
For both adults and youth, if necessary, are you available to attend callbacks on Thursday, March 20th at 6:30
I sing:
Select one option
Not Sure
Do you have prior acting experience?
Please BRIEFLY summarize below. We do not need your full resume. A summary of highlights will be fine.
If you are interested in a specific role, please list in order of preference the name of any specific roles you would like to audition for.
Will you accept another role?
Do you have dance experience? If so, please describe.
Please be detailed about your ability.
Schedule Conflicts
While we prefer that you be able to attend all rehearsals, we understand some conflicts are unavoidable. We require prior notice for unavoidable absences. If your schedule necessitates you missing more than 3 rehearsals, please consider auditioning for a future production. Please mark any known absences on the rehearsal schedule below. Please note that we will not be able to cast anyone who will regularly miss a rehearsal every week or require late arrival or early departure for a rehearsal every week.
For those in 4th-8th grade who are participating in one of VACT's spring productions (Annie Kids or Alice in Wonderland Jr), or those who are on staff for those productions, we are aware that you may have extra absences during those show's performance weeks beyond the 3 absences allowed. If you are currently participating in one of those productions, please note that in the Additional Schedule Notes below.
Monday, April 14
Tuesday, April 15
Thursday, April 17
Monday, April 21
Tuesday, April 22
Thursday, April 24
Monday, April 28
Tuesday, April 29
Thursday, May 1
Monday, May 5
Tuesday, May 6
Thursday, May 8
Monday, May 12
Tuesday, May 13
Monday, May 19
Tuesday, May 20
Thursday, May 22
Tuesday, May 27
Thursday, May 29
Monday, June 2
Tuesday, June 3
Thursday, June 5
Monday, June 9
Thursday, June 12
Monday, June 16 (Mandatory Dress Rehearsal)
Wednesday, June 18 (Mandatory Dress Rehearsal)
Thursday, June 19 (Mandatory Dress Rehearsal)
June 20-22 (Mandatory Performances)
Wednesday, June 25 (Mandatory Brush Up Rehearsal)
June 26-28 (Mandatory Performances)
I have no rehearsal conflicts
Additional Schedule Notes
Please add any additional notes you have about your schedule here.
Consent and Understanding
I/We understand that if selected, we will be part of a theatrical performance in which our participation in rehearsals, set building, set move in/strike are necessary. We indemnify and hold harmless Verona Area Community Theater, its Employees, Officers, Directors, and Volunteers from any and all damage or loss to my personal property as a result of program participation. Further, I/We give permission to use photos, videos, and other likenesses of the participant for the sole purpose of the promotion of Verona Area Community Theater and its activities.
I have read the consent and understanding agree to the terms.
This message is the only confirmation of your registration - you will NOT receive a separate email.
Thank you for registering to audition for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Please print or save this page as your official confirmation for registration.
Don’t forget to bring your photo (no larger than 4x6) to auditions.
If you have any questions, please email Producer Sara Ward-Cassady at