Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
to Mar 20

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Audition Registration for Joseph is Now Closed.

We are not able to accept any walk-up auditions. If you were not able to register, please consider auditioning for one of our future productions.

All auditionees who were registered before the close date/time have been sent the choreography videos. If you registered and have not received the link for the videos, please reach out to Producer Sara Ward-Cassady at

VACT is excited to present Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, our summer 2025 musical!

Sha la la, Joseph, you’re doing fine! You and your dreamcoat, ahead of your time!” One of the most enduring shows of all time, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, the musical follows preferred son Joseph and is told entirely through song with the help of a main character, Narrator.

Auditions are open to all adults.
Auditions are also open to youth performers meeting the requirements outlined below:

Youth Performer Eligibility
In addition to all adults, students in grades 4th-12th are eligible to participate in this production. Youth performers must be in at least 4th grade during the 2024-25 school year to audition. We will not be able to accommodate youth performers that do not meet this minimum age requirement.

  • Grades 4-7: Youth performers in these grades will be part of the youth chorus.

  • Grades 8-12: Youth performers in these grades will join the general ensemble.

  • For youth performers, please understand that regardless of the youth performer’s experience with musical theater, vocal or dance experience, or other related experience, we cannot make exceptions to the minimum age to participate or to the youth/adult ensemble split.

Audition Registration Details

  • We will not accept any day of, walk up, or late registrations. All registrations (youth and adult) must be completed online by 5pm on Friday, March 14, 2025.

  • Please read through the information below and then click on the link at the bottom of this information to be taken to the audition registration page.

  • You MUST submit an online audition registration in order to audition for this show.

Auditions Will Be Held As Follows
Dates and Times:

  • Tuesday, March 18

  • Wednesday, March 19

  • Callbacks:

    • Thursday, March 20

For Youth Auditions (For purposes of this production only, “youth” includes those in 4th-7th Grade as of 2024-25 school year):

  • Check in for youth auditions opens at 5:30pm

  • Youth auditions begin at 6:00pm

  • Youth auditions will end by 7:30pm

  • Parents are required to attend the audition with their youth to hear important information about rehearsals and performances.

For Adult Auditions (For purposes of this production only, “adult” includes those who are 18+ and those in grades 8th-12th as of the 2024-25 school year):

  • Check in for adult auditions opens at 6:45pm

  • Optional Adult Choreography Review at 7:00pm

  • Adult Auditions Begin at 7:30pm


  • Callbacks for both adults and youth will be Thursday, March 20 from 6:30-9:30pm

  • Callbacks are by invitation only

Audition and Callback Location:

  • All auditions and callbacks will be held in the VACT Building located at 103 Lincoln Street in Verona.

Audition Schedule/What to Prepare:

  • All auditioners, both youth and adult, should prepare and sing 32 bars (about 60 seconds) of a musical theater style song of their choice.

  • An accompanist will be provided.

  • Please bring your sheet music in a three-ring binder for the accompanist.

  • No acapella singing will be allowed for youth or adults.

  • If auditioners are comfortable operating a backing track ON THEIR OWN for their vocal audition we will have a speaker set up for that purpose. The auditioner must be comfortable navigating the technology and the timing of the track without assistance from the production team.

  • Parents will not be in the room with their youth auditioner for vocal auditions, so if youth are bringing a backing track they will need to operate that technology without any parent assistance.

Note for ADULT Dance Audition:

  • Our choreographer will provide ADULT (adult is 18+ and those in grades 8th-12th as of the 2024-25 school year) audition choreography INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS ahead of time for the adult dance audition numbers. 

  • Adults will receive those videos no later than Sunday, March 9th, if you are registered by that date. If you register after March 9th, you will receive the videos on Friday, March 14th, after audition registration closes.

  • The youth dance audition number will not be provided ahead of time.

  • For adults auditioning, it is expected that you are familiar with the audition dance choreography before coming to auditions. There will still be time for questions and review at the audition itself before performing the routines for the production team, but the expectation is that you will have a strong familiarity with the choreo before you arrive.

  • If you are unable to access the dance video or have any other barriers that prevent you from accessing the video prior to the audition, please reach out to Producer Sara Ward-Cassady at to discuss alternatives.

  • Again - the videos will be only for ADULT dance auditions (please remember that adults are those who are age 18+ and those in grades 8th-12th as of the 2024-25 school year).

  • Youth (those in grades 4th-7th as of the 2024-25 school year) will learn their dance number at the audition.

Additional Audition Information:

  • You must complete an online registration form to audition for this production. Registration will close Friday, March 14th at 5:00PM.

  • We will not accept any day of, walk up, or late registrations. 

  • Please record all known rehearsal conflicts on your online registration form. Because our rehearsal period is limited, it is very important to minimize any absences. We cannot accommodate regular late arrivals or early departures from rehearsals.

  • For those participating in one of VACT's spring youth productions (Annie Kids and Alice in Wonderland Jr.), we are aware that you may have extra absences during your performance week. If you are currently participating in one of those productions, please note that in the Additional Schedule Notes on the audition registration form.

  • Please bring a recent photo, no larger than 4 x 6.

  • We will be selecting a large cast of up to 75 people, including both adults and youth.

  • If you are absolutely not available for one of the audition dates, an alternate video audition may be considered. To make an alternate video audition request you must contact Producer Sara Ward-Cassady at no later than Sunday, March 9th at noon.

  • VACT welcomes actors of every race, ethnicity, disability, age (4th grade and above), gender identity, and body type.

Cast List will be posted on WWW.VACT.ORG

  • Cast list will be posted by Sunday, March 23rd.

  • Please visit our website to see if you have been cast.

  • Regular rehearsal schedule will be: Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 6:30-9:00, beginning Monday, April 14th, 2025.

Rehearsal and Performance Schedule:

  • Mondays will always be ALL CALL rehearsals for the whole cast.

  • Small groups, choreography, and blocking will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays until approximately May 19th, so some cast may not be called 3 nights a week.

  • Beginning May 19th, all rehearsals will likely be ALL CALLS.

  • Dress rehearsals will be June 16, 18, & 19, with a brush up rehearsal on June 25.

  • Performances will be held on June 20, 21, 26, & 27 at 7:30pm and on June 22 & 28 at 2:00pm.

  • All Dress Rehearsals and Performances are mandatory - we will not allow those who are cast to miss any performances.

  • Dress Rehearsals and performances will be held in the Badger Ridge Middle School Performing Arts Center.

If you have questions about your audition registration, scheduling your audition, or video auditions, please contact Producer Sara Ward-Cassady at for those questions.

If you have questions about the musical specifically, such as character questions or other specific show questions, you may contact Director Mike Ducett at

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